PoeTry shirt
voici arrivé le premier Tee shirt de la série
"poeTry shirt" (poésie sur Tee shirt) :
Premier tirage = 100 exemplaires
Coloris = Noir, 150 g, B & C
Taille = M, L, XL
Texte = Blanc, Argent
Prix = 14 €
Pour le commander merci d'envoyer un email à : alphonsesalafia@free.fr
Concept = tirage limité, poème sur tee shirt écologique, une partie de la somme récoltée reversée à une organisation humanitaire ou écologique.
En l'occurrence pour "A RIVER IN SKIRT" un don sera fait à = The Yaak Valley Forest Council
Soon the arrival of the first tee shirt of series "poetry shirt" (poem on tee shirt)
First printing = 100 copies
Colour = Black, 150 g, B & C
Size = M, L, XL
Text = White, Silver
Price = 15 $
To order it thank you to send an email with : alphonsesalafia@free.fr
Concept = restricted printing, poem on tee shirt environmental, a party of the harvested sum transferred to a humanitarian or environmental organization.
In this case for "A RIVER IN SKIRT" a donation will be made in = The Yaak Valley Forest Council
Libellés : Poetry shirt
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